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Seniors Happy Life magazine

A magazine for Seniors like no other
Seniors Happy Life is an all-new monthly publication designed to appeal to older people, especially those who have to contend with circumstances where frequent feelings of isolation, loneliness and boredom exist. It is an independently owned and operated company based in regional New South Wales. Our mission is “To improve the quality of life of older people” and our magazine is one of the components we’ll use to achieve that. Seniors Happy Life has been specifically concepted to appeal to those people in their later years, those who are either cared for in aged care facilities, live in retirement villages or live at home but utilise various services to help them manage. Beyond these groups, the publication also has appeal to other seniors who don’t face the same challenges as those mentioned, but still appreciate an enjoyable read and seek a fulfilling and happy lifestyle.
Annual reports
Click on the link below to download a copy of our annual report.
Useful links